Thursday, December 8, 2011

End the Year with Positivity & Teamwork!

This week, my team focused a lot on teamwork and being positive in the workplace. Yes, yes - we all say this and talk about this a lot - but do you actually act on it? I know that as tired as I am sometimes, I don't always have the most upbeat attitude but I will say, I do try my ABSOLUTE best every single day. Now, it's your turn and my team's turn. I will tell my daughter all the time when I call her - let's be a little more positive Jess! Sometimes, she gets annoyed with me by saying that - but later, she thanks me because just smiling will make you feel better. TRY IT. A successful team cannot operate with negative vibes and attitudes - bottom line. As hard as it can be, don't bring the drama to work with you; not only doesn't it make your day less productive - it weakens your team players. End this year on a positive note and make your goals strong for a SUCCESSFUL 2012!

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